The Mt. Ararat High School Science Department is committed to challenging students to be independent learners with a strong foundation in science knowledge and the practices of science . Our curriculum provides students with opportunities to meet the Next Generation Science Standards​ and encourages students to explore their unique potential.
Cathance Preserve Field Studies, by Glenn Evans
In September Honors Biology students chose a topic to research at the Cathance River Preserve (Topsham, Maine) with support of the Cathance River Education Alliance (CREA). Working in small groups, they designed an experiment and collected data at least once a week during the first quarter (September and October). Projects include Cathance River Water Quality, Cathance Preserve Salamanders, Cathance Preserve Bats, Forest Inventory Growth (FIG), Cathance Preserve Vernal Pools, Cathance River Invertebrates, and Cathance Preserve Mammals. Some projects were mentored with the generous assistance of local specialists. For example Kevin Doran of Maine Forestry Service worked with the Forestry students, Kelly Waddle and Adam Gravel of Stantec (environmental consulting firm) supported the Bat and Mammal students, Amber Shearen of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife mentored the Salamander students, and David Reed who is very knowledgeable about freshwater invertebrates mentored the river invertebrate group.
During second quarter students will analyze their data, drew conclusions, complete a lab report, and organize their findings into digital posters that will be presented to the public in late January at the Topsham Public Library as part of CREAs monthly public programs. Parents and local residents are invited and will surely be impressed with the student work. Ultimately the reports and findings will become part of CREA's data base. In some cases the data will be recorded in state data bases.
Clubs & Activities
Weekly Meetings culminating in annual statewide competitions:
Envirothon - contact Mr. Gibson
SeaPerch - contact Mr. Evans
Science Bowl - contact Mr. Evans